Collaborate with us
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) reported 21 million cases of Malaria in 2019, including 13 thousand deaths, a number, for example, higher than the Belgian population. Together we can save lives, just by offering resources for laboratory tests and pharmacological treatments in rural areas, through the Malaria Kit.
Due to the lack of resources in rural areas, unfortunately most of the patients have to choose between eating or being treated. Sometimes they can’t even do that, so that is one of the main causes of the increase of the mortality rate. For this reason, we appeal to your kindness. Donate one of the Meal Kit to the patients who need it. It is a matter of one meal per day, in order to allow them to continue with the treatment under acceptable conditions and escape from this harsh reality.
Malaria Kit:
- Free test: 3 free tests for 3 patients, the price is € 5,00
- Offer a simple Malaria Therapy to a patient: € 5,00
- Offer serious therapy to a patient: € 20,00
Kit repas pour un patient
- Offer breakfast for 5 patients for one day: € 8,00
- Lunch for 5 patients for 1 day: € 16,00
- Dinner for 5 patients for 1 day: € 18,00